Requirements for publishing
The publication in the journal is based on two independent reviews carried out by members of the editorial board and other competent persons, with no available information about the relevant authors of the materials. Peer review participation is done on a voluntary basis.
The submitted articles are processed according to the following procedure.
The materials should be up to 15 pages, including abstracts, notes, references, tables, figures and appendices.
They should be prepared with regard to the following requirements:
- Scientific consistency, novelty, argumentation
- Grammatical precision
- Good faith and citing honestly
- Technical layout as follows:
Title: Times New Roman, Font Size: 14Pt, Font Style: Regular, bold, Alignment: Centered; All caps
Academic position, scientific degree and name and surname, department, faculty and university, email: Times New Roman 12, Italic, Line Spacing: Single, Alignment: Right
Abstract in Bulgarian: up to 100 words, Times New Roman 12, Italic, Line Spacing: Single, Alignment: Justified
Key words in Bulgarian: no more than 5, Times New Roman 12, Italic, Line Spacing: Single, Alignment: Justified
Page format: A4, Orientation: Portrait; Margins: Top-2 cm, Bottom-2 cm, Left-2,5 cm, Right- 2,5 cm, Page numbering – bottom right
Times New Roman 12, Font style: Regular; Justified, Line Spacing 1,5, spacing 0 pt
Underlined text: bold
Footnotes: Arabic numerals, Times New Roman 10, justified, line spacing 1, spacing 0 pt
Bibliography: at the end of the material, Times New Roman 12, justified, line spacing 1, spacing 0 pt
The quoted bibliography on Cyrillic or non-Latin alphabet is transliterated into Latin.
Title in English
Information about the author in English
Abstract in English
Key words in English – with regard to the relevant requirements
Citation and referencing
Referencing a book:
Wright, M. Justice for Victims and Offenders, Open University Press, 1991
Referencing a journal article:
Генова, В. Премахване на криминогенните последици от престъплението и полицейска дейност. Възстановителни практики. Общество и право, 2013, бр.2
Referencing an author in a collective work:
Scimecca, J. Theory and alternative dispute resolution: A contradiction in terms? In: Sandole, D. and Van der Merwe, H. /eds./ Conflict resolution theory and practice: Integration and application, Manchester University Press, 1993, pp.211-221
In literal quoting indicate the page in the end – p.5
Articles are published in Bulgarian, English, French, German, Spanish and Russian languages’.
Material approval is done electronically at the address of the main editor –
Assoc. Prof. Valentina Aleksandrova, PhD e:mail
Articles should not be offered or published in another journal
Fees are not paid.